Hello, it's Me

Om Prakash Mishra

And I'm a
Web Developer

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    About Me!

    I'm Om -Prakash-Mishra

    Full Stack Web Developer

    The recent engineering graduate, currently training at MASAI School for a software development career, exudes a passion for conquering challenges and continuous learning. Beyond academics, they find joy in games like cricket and possess a keen interest in travel. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JS, Mongoose, MongoDB, Express,Node.js, React, and React Redux, their eagerness to kickstart a tech career is coupled with dedication, enthusiasm, and a proactive approach, fostering confidence in their ability to make significant contributions to any team. They express gratitude for interview consideration and eagerly anticipate discussing aspirations and journey.

    Skills & Abilities

    Front-End Development

    HTML | CSS | JavaScript

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    Back-End Development

    NodeJS | Express | MongoDB

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    Data Structure Algorithm

    Stack | Queue| Recursion | Binary Search

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    My Projects


    You can find you daily home decoration thing like Furniture,pot,almirah all this thing .

    HTML | CSS | JavaScript

    Imdb Movie Clone

    This web app is clone of imdb movie clone where you can see all daily basic or weekly basic,and hightrating basci movie or Tv serial

    HTML | SCSS | React.Js|redux|redux-toolkit|lazyloding


    This website is useful for Buying shirt and t-shirt ,and wear clothes all this wearing materrial.

    HTML | CSS | react | material-Ui |


    This is Task-Management app .in this app we can mangement our task.for this i have used MERN stack

    React.js | CSS | node.js | MongoDB | Express

    GitHub Statistics

    Contact Me

    Contact Number - +91 8726452774

    Email Address-opsgp1999@gmail.com

    Address- Sultanpur , Walipur, Sultanpur Uttar-Pradesh-227812